ADM’s Women in Ministry Support Scheme grantees announced

­– 5 April 2022

ADM is delighted to announce that twenty women serving Christ across Australia have received grants to support their ongoing ministries.

Community chaplaincy, cross-cultural ministry, pastoral care and ministries for children and young adults – these are just some of the many ways that Christian women are serving Christ in churches and communities across Australia. Now in its second year, ADM’s Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS) continues to support and equip Christian women as they bring their many strengths and giftings to gospel work.

WIMSS offers individual grants to women in ministry, including those in ordained ministry, lay ministry, mission work, and those serving in paid and unpaid roles. As Christian women minister faithfully across a wide range of contexts, including through evangelism, discipleship, pastoral care, compassionate ministries, church-based ministries and Christian organisations and initiatives, WIMSS funding helps to provide the resourcing and support they need to continue in ministry.


WIMSS grants provide support to Christian women through funding for five key areas, including:

  • Professional development and ministry training, including costs for attending conferences and training opportunities

  • Resources, including books, commentaries, apps and devices/computers to support women’s ministry and ongoing professional development

  • Theological education, including towards course fees and costs of resources (up to a maximum of $1,000 per applicant)

  • Set-up expenses for a new ministry, including design and printing costs, resources and equipment

  • Contribution to lost income during maternity leave from a paid, continuing ministry position

Jennifer Boyd and Sandee Batelic both received funding to support some of the start-up costs of their new voluntary ministries in community chaplaincy and church based pastoral care. Both juggling a range of responsibilities, including study at Mary Andrews College, Jennifer and Sandee are each beginning in new ministries that provide support and care to many in their communities. 

Jennifer explains the purpose of community chaplaincy, saying that ‘Community Chaplains use their interests, skills and gifts to address the specific needs of their community, in cooperation with local churches.’ For Jennifer, receiving a WIMSS grant is significant as she establishes herself in this new voluntary role, reflecting that: ‘women in my community need genuine Christian friends who will share the gospel through conversations in everyday life as well as through the presence of Christians in the community. The funding covers some costs associated with this voluntary role’.

Naomi de Vries received a WIMSS grant to help to cover the costs for her intensive at Moore College – the final step in fulfilling the requirements for ordination as a deacon. In pursing ordination, Naomi says that she is ‘committing to serving in lifelong ministry’ as she continues ‘to serve and grow our ministry to children and families at The Bridge Church’ where she ministers as the Children and Families Pastor.

The 2021 WIMSS scheme also saw four women receive funding to help cover the costs of lost income during maternity leave. For Kate Stace, Director of Operations & Next Gen Minister at Vine Church, receiving one of these grants will ‘help enable me to grow my family, return to my ministry and remain engaged in Vine Church’. In reflecting on her ministry, and the importance of being able to continue in ministry following a period of parental leave, Kate also shared:

‘I am passionate about churches creating clear pathways for women to serve Christ, both in the public sphere, theological education and church ministry. We have one life to minister on Christ's behalf, for his glory to show and tell people the gospel message. I wish to see more and more women mobilised within the church to have as great an impact possible for Christ.’

The financial costs relating to parental leave continue to be a significant issue for women in ministry, and ADM remains committed to providing support in this area. We also continue to work to see significant change in conditions for women in ministry that would see them supported more comprehensively by their churches and denominations.


As Lauren Mahaffey continues in her role as an Assistant Minister at Summer Hill Church, she is using her grant to help fund her involvement in the Oilstone Ministry Leadership program. Lauren shared the importance of this opportunity not just for her, but for those she serves in a life of ministry:

‘This funding will benefit the ministry and my own professional development in this upcoming season in particular, as I am very conscious of the need to invest in my capacity to meet these responsibilities with wisdom and resilience.

Being conscious of the weight of responsibility that many women in ministry can face as they journey further into that vocation, I'm eager to invest proactively, both for the short-term future in light of the changes ahead in my responsibilities, and for the longer term so as to be sustaining an effective and resilient life in ministry.’


For Lara Penrose, funding to help with the costs of completing a CELTA English Teaching course will equip her to continue to extend the love of God to refugees. Drawing on her experience in cross cultural ministry in Central Asia, Lara will continue to grow her English teaching skills as part of her ministry to refugees from that part of the world:

‘‘Many refugees have very limited English when they arrive in Australia, and there are naturally also challenges around gaining employment and supporting their families. I would like to meet this need by providing an understanding and supportive environment where they can practice speaking English with someone who speaks some of their language and understands and respects their culture. We want to welcome them into community and hope to pray and study the Bible with them. As they come to faith, we would hope to also use this space to meet for church in their heart language, and in the safety they were not afforded in their home country.”


ADM CEO Rev. Jo Gibbs extended her congratulations to the grantees, saying:

ADM is committed to supporting women as they serve in churches throughout Australia. We want to acknowledge the diverse ways women are sharing the gospel in their words and their lives, and how God is using each of them in significant ways. We recognise that even small grants can make a big difference, providing the training, resources, financial support and encouragement that women need to keep serving Christ.”


For more than 130 years, ADM has worked in, through, and for Christian women. We are committed to seeing every woman equipped and engaged in serving Christ in the Church, the community and the world. Today, we continue to build on the faithful legacy of the deaconesses as we encourage and support Christian women undertaking gospel ministries in communities across Australia.


Introducing the 2021 WIMSS grantees:


Professional development and ministry training 

Amelia van Netten

Kids Ministry Worker, Hope Anglican Church, Leppington

Grant awarded to help with the costs of participating in Reach Australia's Coaching Program


Kaysia Younes

Ministry Apprentice, Hope Anglican Church, Leppington

Grant awarded to help with the costs of participating in a Kidswise Masterclass


Lara Penrose

Operation Mobilisation (OM) Australia

Grant awarded to help with the costs of completing a CELTA English Teaching course


Lauren Mahaffey

Assistant Minister, Summer Hill Church

Grant awarded to help with the costs of participating in the Oilstone Ministry Leadership Program




Alisha Moyle

Pastoral Care Worker, Warragul Anglican Church

Grant awarded to help purchase new resources for ministry work


Angelica Smith

Cross-Cultural Ministry Apprenticeship (CMS)

Grant awarded to help with purchasing a new laptop for ministry work


Ellyce McKirdy

Children's and Families Ministry, St Marks Anglican Church, Berowra

Grant awarded to help with purchasing a new computer for ministry work


Emily Brown

Children's Ministry Coordinator, St George North Anglican Church, Bexley North

Grant awarded to help with purchasing a new laptop for ministry work


Katherine Thompson

Melbourne School of Theology, Eastern College

Grant awarded to help with purchasing resources for research supporting assessment processes for cross-cultural mission workers


Theological education


Jocelyn Bignill

Assistant Minister, All Saints Petersham

Grant awarded to help with fees and costs for theological study


Layah Conry

Youth and Young Adult Ministries, St Clements Anglican Church, Kingston

Grant awarded to help with fees and relocation costs for theological study


Madi Daugaard

Ministry Training Strategy, EV Church Erina

Grant awarded to help with fees and costs for theological study


Naomi de Vries

Children and Families Pastor, The Bridge Church

Grant awarded to help with fees for completing intensive to meet requirements for ordination


Kimberley Bailey

Student Youth Minister, Bulli Anglican Church

Grant awarded to help with costs and resources for theological study


Set-up expenses for a ministry


Jennifer Boyd

Community Chaplain, Sydney Anglican Diocese

Grant awarded to help with expenses for her new role as a community chaplain


Sandee Batelic

Honorary Student Pastoral Minister, Jamberoo Anglican Church

Grant awarded to help with expenses for her role in developing new pastoral care ministries


Contribution to lost income during maternity leave


Alice Warren

Director of Children's Ministry, St John's Ashfield

Grant awarded as a contribution to lost income during a period of maternity leave from a paid, continuing ministry position


Anna Grummitt

Youth & Schools Coordinator / Social Media Producer, Centre for Public Christianity

Grant awarded as a contribution to lost income during a period of maternity leave from a paid, continuing para-church ministry position


Kate Stace

Director of Operations / Next Gen Minister, Vine Church Surry Hills

Grant awarded as a contribution to lost income during a period of maternity leave from a paid, continuing ministry position


Olivia Robson

Children's and Families Minister, Gymea Anglican Church

Grant awarded as a contribution to lost income during a period of maternity leave from a paid, continuing ministry position

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