Christian women are serving God faithfully in an incredible variety of ways in churches and ministries across Australia. Women are discipling others and evangelising in their communities. They are involved in church governance, providing pastoral care, preaching, leading bible-studies, children’s ministries, English classes, serving vulnerable groups and much more.
ADM’s Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS) is designed to support women as they faithfully serve Christ in churches across Australia.
WIMSS provides small grants of between $200 – $2,000 to be used for ministry resources, or for professional and theological development. The scheme is open to women in both paid and unpaid ministry roles, to those who are ordained and to women in lay ministry.
ADM awards up to a total of $30,000 in the WIMSS scheme. Applicants can apply for a minimum of $200 and a maximum of $2,000.
2024 Women in Ministry Support Scheme
Since 1891, ADM has been supporting and encouraging Christian women. ADM offers a number of funding schemes and initiatives to continue this legacy of supporting Christian women today, including our Fellowships Program and The Greenhouse. In 2020, ADM introduced the Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS) to support the unique needs of Christian women in ministry roles, and to make smaller grants available to a larger number of Christian women.
What do we mean by “Women in Ministry”?
“Women in ministry” refers to women in ordained or lay ministry and mission work, both paid and unpaid. It also includes women who are completing theological education and training for ministry and mission.
“Ministry” includes evangelism, bible teaching, discipleship, pastoral care and compassionate ministries. For the WIMSS program, “women in ministry” are based at a church or parachurch organisation.
WIMSS funding categories
Professional development and ministry training: including costs for attending conferences and training.
Resources: including books, commentaries, apps (does not include laptops).
Theological education: (up to a maximum of $1,000) priority will be given to students studying a unit (for credit or audit) at Mary Andrews College (Certificate, Diploma, or Graduate Certificate level) or to students from other institutions undertaking units at Mary Andrews College for credit at another institution.
Set-up expenses for a new ministry: such as design, printing, resources and equipment for the ministry.
Maternity leave: Contribution to lost income during a period of maternity leave from a paid, continuing ministry position. Applications for this category must have matched funding (50-50) from the church or parachurch organisation where you are employed/supported. I.e., evidence of a commitment for the same amount to be provided by your employer/supporters as is being requested from ADM.
Funding priority for Low Income Parishes
In 2024, funding priority across all categories will be given to:
Applications from women in ministry in Low Income Parishes or Provisional Parishes. ‘Low Income Parishes’ are defined by the Sydney Anglican Diocese ‘Assisting Low Income Parishes Policy’ as “those with total income of less than $150,000 per annum. Parishes that fit this description will have little or no ability to undertake material capital works without substantial parishioner contributions above and beyond normal giving. They will also have limited ability to hire additional staff (beyond a fulltime rector) other than part-time, student or MTS workers).”
Key Dates
Monday 2 September 2024 – Applications open
Monday 16 September 2024, 12.30-1.30pm – Information session for applicants (Hybrid: at ADM office or join us online via Zoom)
Tuesday 22 October 2024, 1pm AEST – Applications close
Tuesday 12 November 2024 – Notification of outcome of applications
To be eligible to apply you need to:
Be a citizen, resident or refugee of/in Australia
Be 18 years or older
Be a Christian woman
Have a personal commitment to ADM’s theological principles
Be serving in ministry at a church or parachurch organisation in Australia that is aligned with ADM’s theological principles
Not be a current or past (last 5 years) employee, consultant to or board member of ADM
Not have received funding from ADM in the last 5 years.
Assessment Criteria
The following criteria will be used to assess applications:
Eligibility: Each point of the eligibility criteria is met.
Demonstrated ministry needs: The application provides a strong case for the ministry needs identified, and the value of WIMSS funding in meeting these needs.
Demonstrated financial need: Financial needs are clearly identified in the application, as well as a budget/plan for addressing these needs using WIMSS funding. As noted above, funding priority will be given to women in ministry in ‘Low Income Parishes’ (less than $150,000 income per annum).
Application Process
To apply, you will need to complete an online application form (see link below) and provide four short written answers in the form. In your answers, you will be asked to share about your ministry, your Christian faith, and your funding support needs. You will also be asked to provide a statement of support from your minister or supervisor, as well as a mini-budget explaining how you plan to use WIMSS funds.
Applications will also need to state the amount of funding they are applying for (within the range of $200 – 2,000), and how they plan to use these funds in support of their ministries.
Please download the 2024 WIMSS Information pack below for more information on applying and guidance for responding to the application form questions .
Information Session
Date and time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM AEST
Location: Anglican Deaconess Ministries. Level 1, St Andrew’s House, 464-480 Kent Street Sydney, NSW 2000
This information session is an opportunity to learn more about the application process for WIMSS, and to ask any questions you may have.
This session can be attended both in person at the ADM office, and online via zoom. We'd love to see you there!
To receive news and updates about WIMSS, subscribe to the ADM newsletter:
Announcing the 2024 Women in Ministry Support Scheme grantees
Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) is pleased to announce the 26 recipients of the 2024 Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS). These grants—valued up to $2,000 each—are designed to empower Christian women across Australia as they serve God in creative and meaningful ways.