Bibles and barbecues: how Living Water is reaching Redfern
Living Water, a church plant under the Evangelism and New Churches arm of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, regularly holds services and gatherings in Redfern Park, rather than inside their building. By doing this, they are better able to engage with the community of Redfern, and also support their largely Indigenous congregation to embrace their connection to country.
Recently, Living Water Church, through one of their team members Bridget Allen, were recipients of a Women in Ministry Support Scheme grant from ADM. Part of this grant has been used to purchase a portable barbeque which the church uses to cook during their outside gatherings. This can draw a crowd as people approach for a tasty meal, and then meet the church members and hear the gospel proclaimed.
Announcing the 2024 Women in Ministry Support Scheme grantees
Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) is pleased to announce the 26 recipients of the 2024 Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS). These grants—valued up to $2,000 each—are designed to empower Christian women across Australia as they serve God in creative and meaningful ways.
Farewelling our 2023 ADM Fellows
As we warmly welcome our 2024 ADM Fellows in the ADM space, it is also time for our 2023 Fellows to pack their bags and say farewell. Their Fellowships have come to an end, and they’re leaving ADM to make room for our 2024 Fellows. Or are they?
ADM announces 26 recipients of Women in Ministry Support Scheme grants
Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS). ADM is delighted to award grants of up to $2,000 each to 26 Christian women from across Australia, empowering them in their diverse ministries.
More than toys
WIMSS grantee Arda Cholakyan is the Children and Families Minister at Lakemba Anglican Church, and she’s using the funding to support ministry to children and their parents.
Bringing forth life
Birth has always been a big part of Jodie McIver’s life. When she was a child, she was with her parents in the birthing suite as her mother gave birth to her brother Tim, and once again a few years later for the birth of her sister Tarn. While many children may be horrified and scared by the process of birth, for young Jodie, watching her siblings being born was a positive and encouraging experience that sparked a lifelong interest in pregnancy, birth and babies - and ultimately inspired her new book, written with the support of an ADM Fellowship.
ADM announces recipients of Women in Ministry Support Scheme grants
Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) is pleased to announce the grant recipients of the 2022 Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS). ADM has awarded 16 women across Australia grants of up to $2,000 each to support their ongoing ministries.
Serving all God’s people, all around the world
Marlies Hartkamp came to faith in Jesus as a child and, like many, was challenged to own her faith for herself at university, in her home country of the Netherlands. Now she’s a 2022 ADM Fellow, working on a PhD in disability theology and hoping to inspire the Church to greater inclusivity.
Grief, loss and the love of Jesus
Aunty Sharon Minniecon is an Ugar (Stephen Island) woman. Sharon was born in Ayr in North Queensland as one of 13 children, and is a fifth-generation Christian. Now her three children are the sixth generation of Christians in her family.
Trusting God’s provision on an ‘unconventional’ ministry journey
Naomi de Vries is quick to acknowledge that her family doesn’t look like the ‘typical’ ministry family in Sydney Anglican circles. But funding from ADM has made it possible for her to pursue new ministry opportunities.
ADM’s Women in Ministry Support Scheme grantees announced
ADM is delighted to announce that twenty women serving Christ across Australia have received grants to support their ongoing ministries.
Donor gifts $10,000 for Christian women authors
ADM is thrilled to announce that thanks to a generous donor, an additional $10,000 in funding will be available for Christian women with book projects at the 2021 Annual Funding Event.
ADM awards $25,000 for its inaugural Women in Ministry Support Scheme
Twenty women serving in churches across Sydney and beyond have received funding to support their ministries in 2021.
ADM appoints its fifth cohort of Fellows for 2021
The ADM Fellowships program aims to raise up Christian women to engage a sceptical and hurting world with the good news of Jesus, as they serve in our churches, communities, nation and world. It gives Christian women the time, space, finance and collegial support to complete a major project and pursue avenues to engage the public with their work.
Annual Funding Event Major Grantees Announced
Each year, Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) welcomes pitches from Christian women around Australia for grants for gospel-shaped initiatives and ministries at all stages. This year’s online event looked very different from previous years, but the focus was still on supporting Christian women who have “identified a need that they’re seeking to address through what they’ve created.”
Living the Gospel across cultures
Q&A with Amanda Mason, 2020 ADM Senior Fellow
Amanda Mason is an Evangelist and Community Chaplain with the Sydney Anglican Department of Evangelism and New Churches. During her Fellowship at ADM this year, she’s creating accessible resources to equip Australian churches in discipling Buddhist-background believers and mobilise them to reach their families and social networks.
2019 Annual Funding Event Profile: Sarah Crowe’s invention offers the precious gift of sight and receives top award
When Dr Sarah Crowe, a Sydney-based ophthalmic surgeon, visited an eye clinic in the Solomon Islands, she saw first hand the serious vision problems of many residents. Even as she diagnosed them, she realised that few had access to treatment or surgery let alone glasses.
Connecting Beyond the Table
When Rachel Golding pitched her social enterprise, Dinner on the Table, at ADM’s 2017 Annual Funding Event, she couldn’t have known how many ADM programs it would connect her to in just a few years.
Celebrating Gospel-shaped innovation
ADM awards Christian women $60,000 for unique initiatives.
Q&A with Michaela O'Donnell Long, 2019 ADM Visiting Fellow
Scheduled around this year’s Annual Funding Event, ADM will host Dr. Michaela O’Donnell Long from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA as a Visiting Fellow. ADM caught up with her recently and asked her the following questions…