Trusting God’s provision on an ‘unconventional’ ministry journey    Naomi de Vries is quick to acknowledge that her family doesn’t look like the ‘typical’ ministry family in Sydney Anglican circles.    Naomi’s husband Russell is a stay-

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Trusting God’s provision on an ‘unconventional’ ministry journey

Naomi de Vries is quick to acknowledge that her family doesn’t look like the ‘typical’ ministry family in Sydney Anglican circles. But funding from ADM has made it possible for her to pursue new ministry opportunities.

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   ADM and the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship partner together for Phase Two of the  Our Story: Finding Hope Beyond Grief  workshop program  ­–  26 September 2022  ADM is delighted to announce the next phase of the Aboriginal Evangelical

A new chapter

ADM is delighted to announce the next phase of the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship’s (AEF) grief, loss, and trauma care workshop program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.


    ADM farewells Rev. Jo Gibbs   ­– 30 May 2022   Anglican Deaconess Ministries announces that Chief Executive Officer Rev. Jo Gibbs has resigned from her role at the organisation.     Rev. Gibbs joined Anglican Deaconess Ministries as CEO


ADM farewells Rev. Jo Gibbs

Anglican Deaconess Ministries announces that Chief Executive Officer Rev. Jo Gibbs has resigned from her role at the organisation.



    ADM’s Women in Ministry Support Scheme grantees announced   ­– 5 April 2022   ADM is delighted to announce that twenty women serving Christ across Australia have received grants to support their ongoing ministries.     Community chaplain

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ADM’s Women in Ministry Support Scheme grantees announced

ADM is delighted to announce that twenty women serving Christ across Australia have received grants to support their ongoing ministries.

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    ADM is hiring! Are you the person we’re looking for?   ­– 28 March 2022   In line with the release of our    new Strategic Plan   , ADM is hiring for two new roles and one existing role. Is one of these roles right for you? Or do you kno


ADM is hiring! Are you the person we’re looking for?

In line with the release of our new Strategic Plan, ADM is hiring for two new roles and one existing role. Is one of these roles right for you? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit? Check out the full details:



    ‘It’s not just me’ – Five reasons why networks are significant for Christian women   ­– 9 December 2021   Over the next few weeks, we’re sharing what Anglican Deaconess Ministries has learned this year from Christian women in a series of

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‘It’s not just me’ – Five reasons why networks are significant for Christian women

We’ve heard time and time again from Christian women about the value of connections in helping them grow in Christ and becoming more effective in serving him.

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    Five reasons to listen to Christian women   ­– 25 November 2021   Have you ever wondered what Christian women are thinking? What’s important to them? How they see the world? What challenges they are facing and what opportunities and solu


Five reasons to listen to Christian women

Have you ever wondered what Christian women are thinking? What’s important to them? How they see the world? What challenges they are facing and what opportunities and solutions they see?



    Announcing the 2022 ADM Fellows   ­– 16 November 2021   ADM’s sixth Fellowships cohort sees five women appointed to complete major projects that engage our world with the gospel   ADM is pleased to announce that five women have been awar


Announcing the 2022 ADM Fellows

ADM is pleased to announce that five women have been awarded a 2022 ADM Fellowship in our sixth annual Fellowships cohort.



   Pressing On through life’s challenges  12 October, 2021 


     “ If we want to live lives marked by sacrificial love, to sustain ourselves for the long haul of our walk with Chri


Press On: Building resilience and mental wellbeing

Every person experiences challenges throughout their life that impact their mental health. A new online course, developed by Rev. Dr Keith and Sarah Condie, seeks to help Christians address these challenges and build resilience in order to “press on” and continue to serve Christ faithfully.



    ADM’s 6th Annual Funding Event Major Grantees Announced   – 16 September 2021


ADM’s 6th Annual Funding Event Major Grantees Announced

ADM has awarded grants to 18 Christian women who pitched for funding for their growing ministries and gospel-shaped initiatives at the 2021 Annual Funding Event.



    Anglican Deaconess Ministries appoints Dr Louise Gosbell as Principal of Mary Andrews College.   ­– 16 August 2021

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Anglican Deaconess Ministries appoints Dr Louise Gosbell as Principal of Mary Andrews College.

Anglican Deaconess Ministries is pleased to announce that Dr Louise Gosbell, currently Acting Principal and Dean of Students at Mary Andrews College, has accepted the role of Principal of Mary Andrews College, effective 24th August 2021.

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    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Ministry Support Scheme Grantees Announced   6 July 2021      ADM is delighted to announce that twenty-two women have received grants to support their ministries through the 2020 Aborig


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Ministry Support Scheme Grantees Announced

ADM is delighted to announce that twenty-two women have received grants to support their ministries through the 2020 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Ministry Support Scheme.



    Mental Health and Wellbeing: Where do you find hope?   A conversation about mental health and wellbeing, how the gospel speaks into this space and provides hope, as we seek to care for each other well.


Mental Health and Wellbeing: Where do you find hope?

A conversation about mental health and wellbeing, how the gospel speaks into this space and provides hope, as we seek to care for each other well. With Rev. Jo Gibbs, CEO of ADM; Rev. Dr Keith Condie, Co-Director of the Mental Health and Pastoral Care Institute, at Mary Andrews College; and Rev. Lily Strachan, 2021 ADM Fellow.



    In our churches   – 22 June, 2021    The release of the key results of the National Anglican Family Violence Research Report recently into Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a key moment for the Anglican church. It brings together data f

In Our Churches

The release of the key results of the National Anglican Family Violence Research Report recently into Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a key moment for the Anglican church. It provides a snapshot of what is happening and what can be done to address this urgent and significant issue. ADM’s CEO, Rev. Jo Gibbs, reflects on the report’s findings.


    People Worth Watching   ­– By Rev. Jo Gibbs  An important area in Christian ministry is growing and developing leaders. Following the example of Jesus, we want to be on the lookout for future leaders, investing time in them, teachin


People Worth Watching

­– By Rev. Jo Gibbs

An important area in Christian ministry is growing and developing leaders. Following the example of Jesus, we want to be on the lookout for future leaders, investing time in them, teaching them, modelling a life of holiness and grace. As disciples of Jesus, we are to make disciples for Jesus – in our whole life, in every relationship in every moment.



   The launch of the Graduate Certificate of Pastoral Care for Mental Health  – 13 May 2021


The launch of the Graduate Certificate of Pastoral Care for Mental Health

Starting in Semester 2, 2021 Mary Andrews College is running a new course – the Graduate Certificate of Pastoral Care for Mental Health. The course offers specialised training in pastoral responses to mental health and wellbeing with a focus on preventative and reactive strategies. It is designed to be a professional development course for men and women who work in ministry, professional health care workers, and Christians working in schools.



    COVID-19 Church Response Program Grantees Announced   — 21 April 2021  Six women serving in local churches throughout Sydney have received funding to support church-based mercy ministries through ADM’s COVID-19 Church Response Program.


COVID-19 Church Response Program Grantees Announced

Six women serving in local churches throughout Sydney have received funding to support church-based mercy ministries through ADM’s COVID-19 Church Response Program.



    Celebrating our MAC Graduates of 2020 and 2021   ­– 1 April 2021

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Celebrating our MAC Graduates of 2020 and 2021

On 27th March 2021, we celebrated a bumper crop of MAC graduates at St Andrew’s Cathedral, with two graduation ceremonies - one for the MAC Class of 2021 and one for the 2020 graduates whose graduation was postponed due to COVID-19.

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    Donor gifts $10,000 for Christian women authors    ADM is thrilled to announce that thanks to a generous donor, an additional $10,000 in funding will be available for Christian women with book projects at the 2021 Annual Funding Event.


Donor gifts $10,000 for Christian women authors

ADM is thrilled to announce that thanks to a generous donor, an additional $10,000 in funding will be available for Christian women with book projects at the 2021 Annual Funding Event.



    Staff on the move   Friday 12 March, 2021  2020 was a year of change, a year like no other. While it was a stretching year, for many it has brought the opportunity to reflect on our lives and our work, and to consider what the future hol


Staff on the move

2020 was a year of change, a year like no other. While it was a stretching year, for many it has brought the opportunity to reflect on our lives and our work, and to consider what the future holds.
