Not the year I’d planned  New Deacon Rev. Polly Butterworth helps retool school chaplaincy for COVID19  By Elisabeth Carter     Polly Butterworth had a big first few months in 2020.   The year started as most do as she resumed her ro

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Not the year I’d planned

New Deacon Rev. Polly Butterworth helps retool school chaplaincy for COVID19

Following Polly’s ordination in February 2020, it was back to school, but not for long. The global pandemic upended the year’s plans. That meant she and the team of which she’s a part— under the leadership of Chaplain Rev. Jenni Stoddart, also Chair of ADM’s board—had to rethink school chaplaincy without losing their passion.

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    Global Call: How MAC Lecturer Jill McGilvray connects with Christian women around the world   By Sophia Russell


Global Call

How MAC Lecturer Jill McGilvray connects with Christian women around the world

One Monday night, Jill McGilvray made a cup of tea and sat down in her home in the Blue Mountains to take part in a virtual meeting... That night, her screen lit up with Christian women leaders of all ages – a tapestry of faces from lounge rooms and home offices around the world.



    Dr Kate Harrison Brennan to take new role in leadership for Civil Society program   After almost five years of service as CEO of Anglican Deaconess Ministries, Dr Kate Harrison Brennan has accepted a new role at another philanthropic org


Dr Kate Harrison Brennan to take new role in leadership for Civil Society program

After almost five years of service as CEO of Anglican Deaconess Ministries, Dr Kate Harrison Brennan has accepted a new role at another philanthropic organisation to lead a Civil Society program. The move builds on Harrison Brennan’s lifelong pursuits to address economic injustices and cycles of disadvantages, areas she has addressed throughout her professional and educational careers.



    Special message regarding COVID-19   The new Principal of Mary Andrews’ College, Rev. Dr Katy Smith, has a special message in regards to MAC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  COVID-19 Response from


Special message regarding COVID-19 and Mary Andrews College

The new Principal of Mary Andrews College, Rev. Dr Katy Smith, has a special message in regards to MAC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



    When trouble comes, God remains     What I learned from a time of flood, famine, pestilence and epidemic for such a time as this    — By Kate Bradford, Chaplain, 2018 ADM Senior Research Fellow & former CMS Missionary  During the lat

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When trouble comes, God remains

What I learned from a time of flood, famine, pestilence and epidemic for such a time as this

Kate Bradford, Chaplain, 2018 ADM Senior Research Fellow & former CMS Missionary, reflects on her time as a missionary in Tanzania.

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   Living the Gospel across cultures  Q&A with Amanda Mason, 2020 ADM Senior Fellow


Living the Gospel across cultures

Q&A with Amanda Mason, 2020 ADM Senior Fellow

Amanda Mason is an Evangelist and Community Chaplain with the Sydney Anglican Department of Evangelism and New Churches. During her Fellowship at ADM this year, she’s creating accessible resources to equip Australian churches in discipling Buddhist-background believers and mobilise them to reach their families and social networks.



   Conversations: A real response to the 2020 fires  – By Emma Pitman   Viv and her husband Marty pastor a church on the South Coast in the coastal town of Sussex Inlet. It is a small town of 4,000 that booms to 20,000 in the summer months.


Conversations: A real response to the 2020 fires

Viv and her husband Marty pastor a church on the South Coast in the coastal town of Sussex Inlet. It is a small town of 4,000 that booms to 20,000 in the summer months. January of 2020, though, looked very different as fires tore through the South Coast, altering the sky, the land, and everything in between.



     “Purposeful Posts”: ADM launches new social media pack for women and groups    The deaconesses who inspired Rev. Mervyn and Martha Archdall to start the Deaconess House were courageous and, in many cases, pioneering as they se


“Purposeful Posts”: ADM launches new social media pack for women and groups

ADM has created a set of 21 inspirational posts for women to use on their Facebook or Instagram accounts or for their church women’s groups or ministries. These “purposeful posts” include quotes from women throughout ADM’s work, past and present, as well as specific biblical truths to continue growing.



   At the start of a new year—or any new season of life— it’s important to reflect on our own wellbeing and pay attention to self care. That’s why we asked friends who were part of our  10/10 video series  on mental health (in October 2019)


Wellbeing in a New Year

At the start of a new year—or any new season of life— it’s important to reflect on our own wellbeing and pay attention to self care. That’s why we asked friends who were part of our 10/10 video series on mental health (in October 2019) how they take care of their wellbeing…



    Eight ways to care for survivors of natural disasters    By Rev. Dr Keith Condie   Natural disasters traumatic events. The threat to (or loss of) life, property, livestock and livelihoods that often accompany these events can be extremel


Eight ways to care for survivors of bushfire and drought

By Rev. Dr Keith Condie

Natural disasters are traumatic events. The threat to (or loss of) life, property, livestock and livelihoods that often accompany these events can be extremely distressing. How do we care well for those who have experienced a natural disaster?



    Sending New Voices to Canberra     ADM sponsored Jerusha Mather reflects on her recent trip to Parliament    Last month, Libby Sanders, ADM’s program manager for Mercy & Justice, 2019 Senior Fellow Brooke Prentis and 2019 Creative Fe


Sending New Voices to Canberra

ADM sponsored Jerusha Mather reflects on her recent trip to Parliament.

Last month, Libby Sanders, ADM’s program manager for Mercy & Justice, 2019 Senior Fellow Brooke Prentis and 2019 Creative Fellow Emma Pittman joined 200 Australians and 15 Pacific Church leaders in Parliament with the goal of sharing their support for Australian Aid and to discuss what the Pacific Step Up means for Pacific people.



   “Restoring Sanctuary”: ADM launches $80,000 grant initiative for churches to serve domestic violence survivors


“Restoring Sanctuary”: ADM launches $80,000 grant initiative for churches to serve domestic violence survivors

Calling upon Australian-based Christian women to form an innovative, collaborative and church-based response to domestic violence, the grant invites applicants to consider new and theologically-based ways to ensure the safety and healing of domestic violence victims among Christian fellowship.



    Breaking ground: ADM Fellow Wins 2019 Prime Minister’s Literary Award    For almost two and a half years, Dr Meredith Lake got used to writing in public libraries. She went from one “hot desk” to another, trying to piece together differe

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Breaking ground: ADM Fellow Wins 2019 Prime Minister’s Literary Award

For almost two and a half years, Dr Meredith Lake got used to writing in public libraries. She went from one “hot desk” to another, trying to piece together different historical documents to create a narrative about the Bible’s role in shaping Australian culture. It was tough going for the office-less historian, especially between pre-school drop off and pick up.

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   Flourishing: ADM’S COO Clare Steele appointed to lead Compassion Australia


Flourishing: ADM’S COO Clare Steele appointed to lead Compassion Australia

Clare Steele, ADM’s Chief Operating Officer, has long been a supporter of Compassion Australia. Her family has sponsored a child for years, and her husband Matt, an Anglican minister, has participated in Compassion-sponsored pastor’s trips overseas.

But it wasn’t until Clare travelled with her family to Cebu City, Philippines, last year that she saw first-hand the extraordinary work Compassion was doing.



    2019 Annual Funding Event Profile:  Sarah Crowe’s invention offers the precious gift of sight and receives top award    By Susan Milne   When Dr Sarah Crowe, a Sydney-based ophthalmic surgeon, visited an eye clinic in the Solomon Is


2019 Annual Funding Event Profile: Sarah Crowe’s invention offers the precious gift of sight and receives top award

When Dr Sarah Crowe, a Sydney-based ophthalmic surgeon, visited an eye clinic in the Solomon Islands, she saw first hand the serious vision problems of many residents. Even as she diagnosed them, she realised that few had access to treatment or surgery let alone glasses.