Mentoring: Helping Women Thrive in Complex Times
When we ask Christian women what sort of support they need to thrive as Christians in their workplaces, families, churches and communities, many women mention mentoring as something they'd love to be involved in - either as a mentor or a mentee. But many aren't sure where to start to make that happen, or are not sure they have the right skills or experience. Lily Strachan is back to share her experiences of mentoring through her work as a campus worker with the Christian Union at Macquarie University and as Chaplain at Robert Menzies College. She’ll talk about what she loves about walking alongside women, what is challenging about mentoring, and what it might look like for women of all ages to help one another thrive in these complex times.
To give more busy women access to excellent content, we are trialling a new format which comes in two parts:
Lunch Hour: Tuesday 4th March 12:30pm -1:30pm
We’ll hear from Lily in the ADM office.
In-person attendance: You might work in the city and like to spend your lunch hour with us, in which case, you’re welcome! You can BYO lunch, and we’ll provide tea, coffee and some very light snacks.
Online: You could join live via Zoom from your office, desk or staff room, or from home where you might be working, caring or resting. This could also work for you if you’re able to meet as a group during the day - you could host some women from your church and watch together!
Recording: Sign up to receive access to the video recording and view it before the 31st so you can join the Q&A!
Q&A Panel: Monday 31st March 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Participate in an evening Q&A event with a panel made up of:
Lily Strachan - answering your mentoring questions.
Emma Argall - helping those of us who are parents or carers to apply these principles as we raise our own teenage daughters.
Sarah Condie - sharing from her perspective as a senior woman who has been a mentor to younger women and who wants to encourage other senior women to consider how they might serve as mentors.
About our Speakers
Lily Strachan: Lily grew up in Sydney, and studied Economics and Law at the University of Sydney. She worked as a corporate lawyer before taking up a role pastoring students at the University of Sydney. Having discovered the joy of talking with young people about Jesus, Lily retrained, studying theology at Moore Theological College. She has since served students at Macquarie University with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students and has worked as the missions pastor at Trinity Chapel Macquarie. She is currently the chaplain to Robert Menzies College at Macquarie University and speaks widely, particularly on the topic of mental health. She is writing a book about living with bipolar disorder and loving those who do.
Sarah Condie: Co-director of The Mental Health & Pastoral Care Institute with her husband Keith, to whom she has been married for over 40 years. She has been active in a range of ministries in Christian contexts, most recently as the Director of Wellbeing and Care at The Bridge Church, Sydney. Prior to serving in vocational ministry she worked as a law librarian at the State Library of NSW. In her spare time, Sarah loves reading and making quilts. She also enjoys conversations over a cup of tea and spending time with her family. She has recently loved becoming a Granny and spending time with little people.
Emma Argall: Emma worked as a high school teacher for more than twenty years before she took up her role at ADM, as well as being a mum to three excellent kids (11, 15 and 16). She is passionate about teenagers and is both fascinated and daunted by the opportunities and challenges of these crucial formative years. Her area of interest is relationship, sex and consent education against the backdrop of an increasingly complex and all-encompassing online world. Emma is passionate about equipping and inspiring her fellow grown-up humans (both those who follow Jesus and those who don’t) to be the kind of adults that our young people need us to be.