Viewing entries tagged
Funding for Christian Women


    Announcing the 2022 ADM Fellows   ­– 16 November 2021   ADM’s sixth Fellowships cohort sees five women appointed to complete major projects that engage our world with the gospel   ADM is pleased to announce that five women have been awar


Announcing the 2022 ADM Fellows

ADM is pleased to announce that five women have been awarded a 2022 ADM Fellowship in our sixth annual Fellowships cohort.



    Donor gifts $10,000 for Christian women authors    ADM is thrilled to announce that thanks to a generous donor, an additional $10,000 in funding will be available for Christian women with book projects at the 2021 Annual Funding Event.


Donor gifts $10,000 for Christian women authors

ADM is thrilled to announce that thanks to a generous donor, an additional $10,000 in funding will be available for Christian women with book projects at the 2021 Annual Funding Event.



    ADM awards $25,000 for its inaugural Women in Ministry Support Scheme


ADM awards $25,000 for its inaugural Women in Ministry Support Scheme

Twenty women serving in churches across Sydney and beyond have received funding to support their ministries in 2021.



   Grantees at Fifth Annual Funding Event     ADM awards $60,000 to 15 women leading innovative ministries and gospel-shaped initiatives at its fifth Annual Funding Event.   – 14 Sept 2020    

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Annual Funding Event Major Grantees Announced

Each year, Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) welcomes pitches from Christian women around Australia for grants for gospel-shaped initiatives and ministries at all stages. This year’s online event looked very different from previous years, but the focus was still on supporting Christian women who have “identified a need that they’re seeking to address through what they’ve created.”

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