Greenhouse Gatherings

Meeting each month, Greenhouse Gatherings are the place where Christian women can gather together, meet each other and connect with new people. Each month a speaker presents on a topic of broad interest and applicability, and there’s a chance to chat and enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes online, sometimes in person, but always warm and welcoming.

Our February gathering will be a hybrid event - you can register to attend in-person at our Sydney CBD office or online via Zoom. For those online, a Zoom link will be emailed to you when you register.

February Guest Speaker - Jessica Carroll Smith, on having a well-ordered life

Many of us come to a new year with big goals for the twelve months ahead. But by February, so many of those plans will have gone awry. We know that we cannot control everything, but could having a well-ordered life, where we deliberately plan what we can, make us more effective in meeting our goals, and using our gifts and opportunities to bring God's blessing to bear on our world? Could being rightly ordered in our personal and work lives give us a taste of shalom, of everything being in right relationship, instead of chaos?

At our February Greenhouse Gathering, people and project manager Jessica Carroll Smith will help us think through how both setting goals and having a plan to achieve them can bring peace to our lives and make us more effective in serving others and using our gifts. Whether your plan for 2023 is to improve your prayer life, be more deliberate in looking after particular people around you, or finally writing that novel, Jess will share her strategies for organising your calendar, your week, and your to-do list to help you make the most of the time, gifts and opportunities God is giving you this year. If you can, come with a goal or a project in mind, so you can immediately apply the principles she'll share in a practical way. And go home with resources to keep developing your own habits and practices towards a rightly-ordered life.

You’ll also have a chance to connect with other Christian women, enjoy some delicious food, and hear more about what The Greenhouse has to offer to women in different industries, workplaces, churches and stages of life. We’d love to have you join us!

Can’t make it in person? Join us online! We’d love you to share in the experience.

Want free tickets? Become a member of The Greenhouse, and you'll get two free gatherings tickets each month. Find out more here:

About our Guest Speaker

Jess has worked as an Operations Director for over 15 years in numerous organisations, overseeing projects, managing budgets, coordinating teams, synthesising data and turning ideas into action. She is passionate about supporting creative people and organisations to turn ideas into action, accomplish projects, achieve goals, and navigate challenges through individual and group consultancy work.