ENGAGE Evening Sessions

Our city is full of incredible women doing incredible things! Join us on the first Thursday of the month for Engage Evening Sessions – a fun, low-key opportunity for Christian women to come together and cheer each other on. 

Time: 6.15pm for food, 7pm speakers start

Cost: $15

Location: ADM offices. St Andrew's House, Level 1. 464–480 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000

At Engage evening sessions you’ll hear four speakers from across a variety of spheres of work, culture and ministry. They’ll share stories about their current projects, ideas, actions or future plans. 

This is a space to share knowledge and skills. And, as you hear stories from other women, it’s a space to be inspired and to dream big! This is  a community where it’s perfectly OK to fail… and to try again, as you seek to discern the ways in which God is calling you to engage and impact the world for Him.

Meet peers, mentors and friends to journey with. Enjoy food and good fun on a Thursday night. Our evening sessions are open to all interested women from any field, age or background – and we especially welcome newcomers. Come join us! 


Wendy Simpson OAM is an experienced manager and executive director, Wendy Simpson has made a career out of driving innovation and change. Widely regarded as a pioneer, she has held key leadership roles across across a number of traditionally male dominated industries, from airfreight, telecommunications and precision engineering to property development, and has been a tireless advocate for women in business and female entrepreneurs. Wendy will share with us her passion for supporting Christian women leaders and she'll report on her recent panel event at the Faith at Work Summit in Chicago.

Jessica Carroll Smith works as Community Pastor at Paddington Anglican Church and as Operations Director for Common Grace (a movement of people passionate about Jesus and justice). In her talk for us, she will reflect on what it looks like for the church to be a good neighbour in a local area. In the last year God has opened opportunities for Jessica to spend more time in her local community. She has been asking what does it look like to be a Christian person in a busy, contented community that has little connection to the local church? She's passionate about creating healthy, values-embodying organisations that deploy their resources and energy with sensitivity to their mission and convictions. Jessica co-founded Common Grace in 2014 concerned that Christians would have opportunties to live out their faith standing for generous justice in Australia. Jessica has worked as an Operations Manager for a number of churches and social change organisations. She has theological & pastoral ministry experience in both church and para-church contexts.

Stephanie Dunk is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney Business School researching the discursive construction of food ethics in the marketplace and the home. Stephanie will be speaking about the possibilities and complications of ethical consumption. How can we balance household budgets while purchasing ethically? What about stewardship and charitable giving? Aren't the companies all just greenwashing anyway? And who has the time?

If you would like to present a story at one of our Engage Evening sessions, please email an expression of interest