Disability and the Church

Fri, 26 May 2023 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM AEST

What does the Bible teach us about disability? And how can Christians and churches think and act well when it comes to disability?

Join keynote speaker Prof. John Swinton, and panelists Dr Louise Gosbell & Rev. Dr Kirk Patston as they think through these key questions.

Followed by a Q&A from the audience.

The event will be live-streamed, for those who cannot attend in person.

Join the live-stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssm8qz2S0oo


Wheelchair access is available at the North (George St) door of the Cathedral. All other doors have steps.

Town Hall Railway Station is directly below the Cathedral and street level can be accessed via lift or stairs.

The Light Rail (T2 & T3) stops right outside on George Street.

Parking is available at Wilson Car Park, 464 Kent Street. The carpark does have accessible parking spaces.

If you have any access requirements in order to participate fully, please let us know when you fill in your registration.

Keynote Speaker: Prof John Swinton

John Swinton is a Scottish theologian, academic and Presbyterian minister. Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies at the University of Aberdeen, John is founder of the university's Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability. He has published widely within the area of disability theology, spirituality and health, qualitative research, and mental health. He is the author of Dementia: Living in the Memories of God.

Professor John Swinton will be join the event in-person at the Cathedral.

We are grateful to HammondCare for making it possible for Professor Swinton to be in Australia.

Panelist: Dr Louise Gosbell

Louise Gosbell is a ministry leader with Our Place Christian Communities, and the author of The Poor, the Crippled, the Blind and the Lame. She was a 2017 ADM Senior Research Fellow. With lived experience of disability and a PhD on disability in the gospels, Louise has presented at numerous local and international conferences on disability and the Bible. She also lectures at Mary Andrews College and Wesley Institute in Sydney, and longs to see Christian communities become places of belonging for people living with disability.

Dr Louise Gosbell will be join the event in-person at the Cathedral.

Panellist: Rev. Dr Kirk Patston

Rev Dr Kirk Patston is the Director of the SMBC (Sydney Missionary & Bible College) Centre for Preaching and Pastoral Ministry. Kirk has a background in speech pathology and Presbyterian ministry and has been lecturing at SMBC since 2000. He has completed research degrees looking at the theology of mission in the book of Isaiah and the interaction of disability studies with the theme of otherness in the book of Job. Kirk is one of the founders of Our Place Christian Communities – a ministry seeking to support accommodation and discipleship for adults with intellectual impairment.

Rev. Dr Kirk Patston will be join the event in-person at the Cathedral.

Event panel host: Stephanie Kate Judd

Stephanie Kate Judd is a lawyer based in Melbourne. Born and raised in Sydney, Stephanie has researched and written on Christian lobbying and public engagement, and has been involved in political and legal advocacy for the interests of various kinds of vulnerable persons. Stephanie is also a regular co-host on The Two Cities podcast, which has just finished a 17-part series on disability and theology. She has lived with an acquired physical disability for 18 years, and gave the 2021 ADM Annual Public Lecture following her ADM Fellowship on “The Dignity of Limits”.


The Disability and the Church public event is supported by Anglican Deaconess Ministries and Our Place Christian Communities, together with St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney. Event panel host Stephanie Kate Judd and panellist Dr Louise Gosbell are ADM Fellows Alumni, Stephanie as part of the 2021 Fellows cohort and Louise in 2017. Visit here to read more about ADM’s Fellowships Program and our alumni, or to find out about applying for an ADM Fellowship.