• Anglican Deaconess Ministries (map)
  • Level 1, 464-480 Kent St
  • Sydney NSW 2000
  • Australia

Greenhouse Gathering (in person and online) - with guest Penny Reeve

Come along to Greenhouse Gatherings to hear from interesting speakers and be supported by our group of Christian women

Monday 27 November, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm AEDT

In-person participants at the August 2022 Greenhouse Gathering

October Guest Speaker - Penny Reeve on books as mirrors or windows.

Books are often described as mirrors or windows - they can help us see our own lives reflected in the pages, or allow us a view of lives and stories that are different from our own. This is just as true for kids as they read as it is for adults, which is why reading is such a powerful experience for young people. But how can we, as the adults in their lives, have helpful input into what and how they read? In particular, how can we be equipping our kids to be readers who bring their faith to the windows and mirrors of the books they read?

At our November Greenhouse Gathering, Penny will be sharing her experiences of writing books for children that encourage spiritual growth and questioning, and will help us think about how as adults we can both model and equip our kids to read in ways that will nurture their faith. She will share some strategies for tackling books that have perspectives we might not agree with, and how to choose books that encourage our kids to grow in their love of Christ and their care and empathy for others. We'll also have a chance to do some crowd-sourcing of great children's books - whether books we enjoyed as children, or books the kids in our lives love - just in time for Christmas!

You’ll also have a chance to connect with other Christian women, enjoy some delicious food, and hear more about what The Greenhouse has to offer to women in different industries, workplaces, churches and stages of life. We’d love to have you join us!

Can’t make it in person? Join us online! We’d love you to share in the experience.

Want free tickets? Become a member of The Greenhouse, and you'll get two free gatherings tickets each month. Find out more here: www.thegreenhouse.digital

You can also purchase tickets here.

About our Guest Speaker

Penny Reeve is an award-winning Australian children's author who loves thinking about how faith and children’s literature intersect, and in particular how children’s books help kids grow in their faith.