Greenhouse Gathering (in person and online) - with a panel of podcasters

Come along to Greenhouse Gatherings to hear from interesting speakers and be supported by our group of Christian women Thursday, 30 March 2023, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm AEDT

In-person participants at the August 2022 Greenhouse Gathering

March Guest Speakers - Kara Martin, Laurel Moffatt and Justine Toh on podcasting

Podcasts have been around for almost twenty years, but for many of us, the form has only become a regular part of our lives much more recently. We listen to podcasts to be informed, to be entertained, to be challenged, and to be comforted. But how should we think about podcasts as Christian women, and how can we sort through the thousands of podcasts available to make the most of our listening time? And for those of us looking for something new to listen to, perhaps something to encourage and support us in our faith, what are some good podcast suggestions for the new(ish) year?

At our March Greenhouse Gathering, we will have a panel of three women who are involved in very different podcasts. Kara Martin, Laurel Moffatt and Justine Toh will be sharing why they love podcasts, what they believe the value of the format is, how podcasts seek to identify and reach different audiences, and what they are hoping their podcasts will bring to their listeners. We'll also spend some time recommending different podcasts, and why they're worth listening to, for those of us who are constantly on the listen for new shows!

You’ll also have a chance to connect with other Christian women, enjoy some delicious food, and hear more about what The Greenhouse has to offer to women in different industries, workplaces, churches and stages of life. We’d love to have you join us!

Can’t make it in person? Join us online! We’d love you to share in the experience.

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About our speakers

Kara Martin is a lecturer, speaker, and author of the Workship books. She co-hosts Worship on the Way to Work, a weekly podcast about connecting with God in our workplaces, with Stephen Field. Laurel Moffatt is a writer, researcher, and thinker who creates Small Wonders, a podcast which explores places of fracture in order to show the wonder of life that may exist within them. Justine Toh is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity, where she speaks and writes about reading contemporary culture. She is a regular co-host of CPX's Life and Faith podcast, a weekly conversation about the beauty and complexity of belief in the 21st century.