Join us for our September Greenhouse Gathering (online only)
Guest Speaker: Lily Strachan on mentoring young women
Wednesday 28 September, 7.00-8.30pm
When we ask Christian women what sort of support they need to thrive as Christians in their workplaces, families, churches and communities, many women mention mentoring as something they'd love to be involved in - either as a mentor or a mentee. But many aren't sure where to start to make that happen, or are not sure they have the right skills and experience to help younger Christian women to thrive.
Online participants at the last Greenhouse Gathering
Come along to our September Greenhouse Gathering to hear Lily Strachan share her experiences of mentoring young women through her work as a campus worker with the Christian Union at Macquarie University and as Chaplain at Robert Menzies College. Lily will share what she loves about walking alongside women, what is challenging about mentoring, and what sorts of issues young women are facing.
You’ll also have a chance to connect with other Christian women and hear more about what The Greenhouse has to offer to women in different industries, workplaces, churches and stages of life. We’d love to have you join us!
About our speaker
Lily grew up in Sydney, and studied Economics and Law at the University of Sydney. She worked as a corporate lawyer before taking up a role pastoring students at the University of Sydney. Having discovered the joy of talking with young people about Jesus, Lily retrained, studying theology at Moore Theological College. She has since served students at Macquarie University with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students and has worked as the missions pastor at Trinity Chapel Macquarie. She is currently the chaplain to Robert Menzies College at Macquarie University and speaks widely, particularly on the topic of mental health. She is writing a book about living with bipolar disorder and loving those who do.