The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Ministry Support Scheme is a new ADM program dedicated to supporting Christian women and their ministries. The aim of the program is to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian women who are serving their communities in formal or informal ministries, either in a paid or unpaid capacity. Grant funding between $250 - $2,500 will be awarded to successful applicants.
ADM’s vision is to see women, from generation to generation, flourishing in Kingdom work and with this, one special focus of our work is to do mercy and justice.
In 2020, ADM has formed a dedicated fund to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian women who serve and minister to their communities out of their Christian faith.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Ministry Support Scheme is a grant program that invites applications for funding from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian women who are serving their communities in various forms of formal or informal, paid or unpaid ministry.
This initiative welcomes funding applications from women serving across a wide range of areas of ministry, so that all forms of Christian ministry of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women can be supported.
Grants will be awarded to successful applicants of amounts between $250 - $2,500.
This initiative welcomes funding applications from women serving across a wide range of areas of ministry, so that all forms of Christian ministry of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women can be supported.
Why is ADM running this Program?
As an organisation that seeks to see all Christian women flourish in Kingdom work and to do Mercy and Justice, ADM want to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are equally supported to flourish in their important ministries.
We also see many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian women regularly reach areas of great need in the Australian community, being uniquely placed to both identify and respond to such need in practical and biblical ministries of mercy and justice.
A dedicated fund such as this directly meets the pressing need for greater funding support for both Aboriginal Christian Ministries and for the Christian women serving in these ministries. We recognise there is also a need for other forms of support beyond funding, which we hope to also serve through this program and into the future. We know that access to both funding and other support has been limited to these women in both structural and cultural ways. We have taken care to craft the format of this program with the input of trusted Aboriginal Christian Leaders.
We also seek to continue building relationship and trust between ADM and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian community through this pilot program. We hope that with and through this deeper relationship and trust, ADM can continue to support the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian community and follow their guidance to us in future programs in our Mercy and Justice work.
The Application Process
What to expect
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Ministry Support Scheme program is a grant program that warmly invites applications for funding from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian women in serving in ministry.
The application process for this program seeks to reduce barriers and burdens on women already active in important and under-supported ministry, and so has been made more flexible, supportive and low-barrier than many of our other applications processes. We ask five key questions and will reach out if we feel more insights would help us to understand the ministries and the women behind the applications.
Applications open on Friday, 11th December and need to be sent to ADM by the closing date of Friday 15th January 2021.
Late applications are unfortunately not able to be considered.
ADM will then review the applications, call applicants where further detail is needed, and make final decisions by 22nd January 2021. We will then contact all applicants to let them know of the outcome of their application.
Applying for Funding
The application form will ask five key questions of applicant, which are primarily intended to guide applicants in highlighting to us the key information ADM would like to understand about you and your ministry, and the current need you have for funding support.
Applications can be received in three different ways to ADM:
1. Via the Online Application Form
2. Via an email (addressed to Libby) at:
3. Via a phone call to ADM at: 1300 896 530.
Please note we have limited availability for this option and phone calls are only available between 9am-5pm (Sydney time) on Mondays-Wednesdays, with office closures over Christmas from 23rd December-1st January. Please consider if you are able to apply via the first two options.
Key Dates
Fri 11th December 2020: Program announced and applications open.
ADM is available to answer questions and to support applicants in making their submission to the scheme.
Fri 15th January 2021: Applications close.
Please note that ADM is unable to consider applications received after this date.
14th - 22nd January 2021: Follow-up calls made to all applicants and applications reviewed.
We will seek to arrange a good time with you for a phone conversation about your ministry. You are welcome to invite a support person to join the call.
Mon 25th January 2021: Application and funding outcomes delivered to applicants.
You will be informed of the outcome via email and/or phone call.
February 2021: Funding awarded to successful applicants.
Please note we will need bank account details to make a deposit into your nominated account during this month.
May - June 2021: The ADM team will reconnect with successful applicants to hear about any progress in your ministries and gather feedback on the funding program.
We are seeking here to stay connected in relationship with you, looking to understand recent progress in your ministry and not to measure your performance. We’d love to see photos, hear testimonies or even see some videos!
To be eligible to apply for funding in this program, the application must be made by (or on behalf of) an individual who meets each of the following criteria:
A Christian woman;
Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person;
Aged 18 years or older at the date of the funding application deadline 13th January 2021;
Has a personal commitment to ADM's theological principles, vision and mission (please see our website’s ‘About’ page for more details);
Is involved in a ministry that demonstrates alignment with ADM's theological principles, vision and mission;
Not a current or past (last 5 years) personnel (including employee, consultant to or board member) of ADM.
If you have questions about this program, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with our team at:
or phone: 1300 896 530
** Grants have now been awarded for this scheme. Click below to read more about the scheme and grantees **