Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
When we ask Christian women what sort of support they need to thrive as Christians in their workplaces, families, churches and communities, many women mention mentoring as something they'd love to be involved in - either as a mentor or a mentee. But many aren't sure where to start to make that happen, or are not sure they have the right skills or experience. Lily Strachan is back to share her experiences of mentoring through her work as a campus worker with the Christian Union at Macquarie University and as Chaplain at Robert Menzies College. She’ll talk about what she loves about walking alongside women, what is challenging about mentoring, and what it might look like for women of all ages to help one another thrive in these complex times.
Join us for an enlightening seminar on Menopause, where we’ll dive deep into the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of this pivotal life stage. Menopause impacts women not just physically but also cognitively, relationally, and emotionally. Statistics show that many women face increased risks of depression, relationship strain, and challenges in the workplace during this time. Our two expert speakers will provide invaluable insights from both a medical and a theological perspective.
Anglican Deaconess Ministries (ADM) is pleased to announce the 26 recipients of the 2024 Women in Ministry Support Scheme (WIMSS). These grants—valued up to $2,000 each—are designed to empower Christian women across Australia as they serve God in creative and meaningful ways.
Anglican Deaconess Ministries is delighted to announce our 2025 Fellows cohort. With ADM’s support, these four women will bring together their areas of expertise and their faith to complete major projects that engage our sceptical and hurting world with the gospel.
Bibles and barbecues: how Living Water is reaching Redfern
Living Water, a church plant under the Evangelism and New Churches arm of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, regularly holds services and gatherings in Redfern Park, rather than inside their building. By doing this, they are better able to engage with the community of Redfern, and also support their largely Indigenous congregation to embrace their connection to country.
Recently, Living Water Church, through one of their team members Bridget Allen, were recipients of a Women in Ministry Support Scheme grant from ADM. Part of this grant has been used to purchase a portable barbeque which the church uses to cook during their outside gatherings. This can draw a crowd as people approach for a tasty meal, and then meet the church members and hear the gospel proclaimed.